OPEN BETA febivenTwitch streamer Professional League Of Legends player from 2014-2024 - Now serving others.Share febiven Accounts FEBIVEN UnlistedFEBIVEN Full Account ProfileS2023 - Split 2 EUW1 Grandmaster931 LP169 Wins 145 Losses54% Win RateEUW1Rank: N/ALeBlanc54% WR63 Games3.38:1 KDA5.6 / 3.8 / 7.28.1 cs/m 199 cs/g883.4 dmg/m0.52 k+a/m17.8 vision/gRole:vs. AllVOD ModeStarting Items Build PathPopular ItemsBootsLegendaryRunesSkills and SpellsLevels 1-3Levels 1-13Recent GamesItem: AllRune: AllChampion: LeBlancQueue: Ranked SoloLoading...