OPEN BETA skyptureTwitch streamer Hey there, I am Ulas. I have been playing LoL for 14 years, I am a multiseason multiregion Challenger ADC, currently located in USA and I play for SCAD Esports.Share skypture Accounts skypture ad Unlistedskypture ad Full Account ProfileS2023 - Split 1 EUW1 Grandmaster607 LP143 Wins 129 Losses53% Win RateEUW1Rank: N/AVarus59% WR56 Games2.58:1 KDA6.5 / 5.4 / 7.37.4 cs/m 196 cs/g810.3 dmg/m0.53 k+a/m23.7 vision/gRole:vs. AllVOD ModeStarting Items Build PathPopular ItemsBootsLegendaryRunesSkills and SpellsLevels 1-3Levels 1-13Recent GamesItem: AllRune: AllChampion: VarusQueue: Ranked SoloLoading...