OPEN BETA the_tank_man_Twitch streamer https://www.legendsofleague.ggShare the_tank_man_ Accounts The Tank Man #1989 UnlistedThe Tank Man #1989 Full Account ProfileS2023 - Split 2 NA1 Challenger989 LP401 Wins 372 Losses52% Win RateNA1Rank: N/ASona56% WR418 Games2.59:1 KDA2.3 / 6.6 / 14.80.8 cs/m 19 cs/g417.7 dmg/m0.67 k+a/m50.6 vision/gNA1Rank: N/AJanna50% WR159 Games2.75:1 KDA1.5 / 5.4 / 13.50.6 cs/m 15 cs/g246.9 dmg/m0.58 k+a/m51.7 vision/gRole:vs. AllVOD ModeStarting Items Build PathPopular ItemsBootsLegendaryRunesSkills and SpellsLevels 1-3Levels 1-13Recent GamesItem: AllRune: AllChampion: SonaQueue: Ranked SoloLoading...