OPEN BETA BerzanHanTwitch streamer what would you like to see !Share BerzanHan Accounts im the fking law Unlistedim the fking law Full Account ProfilePreS2023 EUW1 Grandmaster708 LP158 Wins 103 Losses61% Win RateEUW1Rank: N/AYone61% WR178 Games2.11:1 KDA7.5 / 5.6 / 4.27.4 cs/m 197 cs/g832.3 dmg/m0.44 k+a/m15.5 vision/gEUW1Rank: N/AYasuo65% WR66 Games1.78:1 KDA5.9 / 5.5 / 47.1 cs/m 176 cs/g652.1 dmg/m0.4 k+a/m14 vision/gRole:vs. AllVOD ModeStarting Items Build PathPopular ItemsBootsLegendaryRunesSkills and SpellsLevels 1-3Levels 1-13Recent GamesItem: AllRune: AllChampion: YoneQueue: Ranked SoloLoading...